Earthquake drill

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4 Responses to Earthquake drill

  1. lpomeroy says:

    hi TYLER its lexi and i really like the style of your writing but i think you could take away some pictures i think theres a bit to much pictures but other than that its AMAZING from lexi

  2. wlancaster says:

    i really like the way that you have added a border but i think that there are a couple to many pictures so maybe take out some of the pictures but over than that it looks faboules from willow

  3. hstone says:

    Hi Tyler its Henry here, I just wanted to comment and next time you need to take a few pictures away because theres a lot of pictures and good subheadings!

  4. aturner says:

    Nis worc but poot mor culu in to it Alexis and I lighc yor ranbo word so dubal fums up

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